1. Lesley part 36

    Date: 9/29/2015, Categories: Group Sex, Masturbation, Mature, Author: Les1111, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    man....still am probably. Not proud of it. Hardly ever snagged her, you know. She wasn't a good wife. At all. I saw how her arse was gaping open, some nights. Stretched by yours or some other bastards cock. Never mine. The the salty taste in her mouth when I kissed her. She's got a lot to answer for&#034 &#034You sick fucker! Stupid useless spineless cunt. You need help. Thought i was bad!....and I'll bet there's more to tell, but your too sick to mention....you disgust me Geordie. Fuck off. Just think what you've told me.....your a cuckold, sissy. Bet you wear your daughters underwear...too. Get out! NOW.....don't come back&#034 &#034Don't you dare categorise me. I know my failings......do you?&#034 &#034Ya whole families a load of sickos......two nymhpos, and a cuck. What a combination.&#034 &#034I'm sorry I bothered you...I just wanted to try to understand her....well....both of them. I didn't want to disgust you. I know I was....different. I won't come back&#034 &#034Hold on.....why are you really here, Geordie. You've known for years, that I'm her dad. Why now? What's changed?......so, she likes a bit of cook...so what. Plenty of women love cock..always have. So.....what's the real reason your here. Come on....spill!&#034 Geordie turned, closed the door and faced his nemesis. &#034I think she's selling her body&#034 &#034Eh....say that again&#034 &#034You heard&#034 &#034Yea....I heard....selling her body?.... Your fucking deluded&#034 &#034I...hope I am. It's all I ...
    can think about. I'm sure she is!&#034 &#034Geordie......I shagged your wife....I dunno....a thousand times....maybe more. I shagged her from when she was sixteen till she was twenty eight, at least twice a week. I never gave her a penny, nor did she ask for one. Fuck me, I don't think I bought her more than ten drinks in that time! What I'm saying is.....she used me for sex, same as I used her....and all the others of course. Lesley's just the fucking same. Let me tell you...this bloke here....the jock bastard....he would charge her if he could. Right piece of work he is....what I'm saying is, Geordie, his cock is the only thing that attracts her to him....nothing else...not his personality or table manners...no, just that lump of obscenely hard cock. Nothing more.... And the rest...all the others...just their cocks. That's all she wants. Cock. She's no more on the game than Mavis was. Believe me. I know. On the game.....haha....don't make me laugh. Heehee&#034 &#034I hope your right&#034 &#034she wouldn't get rich if she was Geordie. I've bred an ugly bitch, and there's no argument there.&#034 &#034She's not ugly, you sad man. I see beauty, and a lovely person, every time I look at her. She's just....lost, at the moment. But. I'll be there for her, same as I've been for ever one of the last fifty years. I won't be coming back. Ernie. Don't worry. I just thought you may have some.....compassion. Seems I was wrong. Goodbye&#034 &#034Aye...fuck of cuckold!&#034 Geordie Ridley ...