1. An alternate way to pay for computer repairs

    Date: 9/22/2015, Categories: Group Sex, Mature, Author: slutboy49, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    give..... He stopped in mid sentence are u ok mate asked Chris,f f fine said Greg I lost my line of thought then,sorry. He gulped and stared at me from top to bottom as I went into the kitchen. Well said Chris I can give u cash but we can pay another way if u like. Another asked Greg I don't get u, yeh said Chris nodding in my direction. Sorry said the puzzled pc man you've lost me,so Chris agin nodded in my direction and said Jan, that's wat I mean. Jan? Shouted Greg, u mean Jan will u know sort me out? Yeh said Chris,not full sex,but everything else,no prob. Ur takin the piss said Greg, no said Chris I'm not, if ur up for it then so is Jan. Wow said Greg sure am, then Chris shouted hey Jan, Gregs ok with our suggestion, wat a shock I thought, I knew he would be. I walked into the lounge and set on the sofa next to Greg and told Chris to finish the 2 joints I was preparing in the kitchen. I moved closely over to Greg and in no time at all had the top 2 buttons of his shirt unfastened and my right hand squeezing each of his firm nipples Do u want a drag I asked Greg,or don't u smoke? No thanx he said I have done but not for a few years, two go and have some I don't mind. You wont escape as were in the backyard smoking then joked Chris. Def not not he replied, shit said Chris cant go outside is started to piss down. I looked at Chris and made a signal with my eyes for him to go in the kitchen which he did, saying ill open window in kitchen cos of smell. As I took a long drag ...
    off the longer than usual joint, I had a feeling our guest wasn't too comfortable so I said u ok, yeh he said I'm sat a bit awkwardly. Well get itself comfy I said so he sat back and raised himself up slightly and appeared to straighten his trousers. No doubt his sizeable bulge was taking a fair amount of room up and he now looked more at ease. Chris had told me earlier that week that him and his wife had split up a year ago and I think he said he had a gf soon after but he had also split with her, my question for him couldn't be subtle, so after another long drag on my spliff, which really chilled me out I said Chris said ur wife and u split a while ago, yeh a year back was his reply,gfriend? I asked, no he said did have a gf but we split 6 months back. So I said, wat do u do for fun? Women u mean,he asked, yep that's my meaning I said, I don't bother anymore, chuckling, my rite hand does the trick and I can pick when and where! Sorry he then said I'm only telling u the truth, well I said I don't think you'll be using ur hand today, unless u want to! No thanx he said, if u do its fine I told him, Chris uses his occasionally or I do it for him, really he said, I'm surprised to be honest, its good I reassured him I love watching him and doing it for him. No ones ever watch me said Greg, I think why I like it so much is I often end up with it in my mouth! Wow said Greg ive not had my cock sorry sucked for months. That my change soon I smiled, u didn't have to say sorry, saying ...