1. My Daughter Amber Sprung a Surprise on Me.

    Date: 9/9/2015, Categories: Group Sex, Mature, Voyeur, Author: MarieL, Rating: 98, Source: xHamster

    'See that guy over there, watch him'. We were in the cafeteria sipping a cappuccino, and a coke. Amber my daughter, watched him through her fringe of shock blond hair, with her straw in her mouth, sucking some coke occasionally, as her blue eyes followed him. I was wondering what was going through her mind as her eyes followed him, she was on the cusp of a sexual revolution, whereas I, was in my MILF stage of life, at 38. 'What exactly am I looking at', she asked me nonchalantly, still staying focused on his activity, as I studied her chiselled Scandinavian good looks, and pouting lips, toying with that straw, did she pout with a cock in there like that? I often wondered about my daughters sexual activity, if she was sexually active, and did she like doing it? When she was born she was christened Amber, at her fathers behest, not for a f****y member, but for his obsession with a porn star, even roping me into his scene as I acted out her mannerisms, the girl I studied now, was conceived in her imagery, and named in her honer. He was closing in on a girl with a short skirt, coming in from behind, and as she bent across to the shelf, he thrust his hand under her short hem, he was up-skirting her, 'I bet her ass will be on the internet tonight', I said sipping my coffee? Amber turned back to me, 'He will follow her if she is commando', she said, taking a deep draw on her straw. 'You mean if she is without her panties', I asked? Amber shook her head, to confirm I was right, ...
    'Once they see it, they follow it', she added with an air of nonchalance. WE looked back at him , but he had started following a woman with a trolley with a c***d in the seat provided, 'Guess she had her kitty covered', and we both laughed. 'Funny how things like that have become the accepted norm', I said, 'I mean back in my day, he would have had his balls kicked doing something like that'. Amber was unperturbed by my remark, 'the're saddos', she said quietly, 'they can't have us sexually so they film us and jack off to it', she concluded. I studied my daughter again, trying desperately to figure her out, at 16 she was so worldly wise and sexually mature, 'You don't have a problem with stuff like that', I asked her? It was Amber's turn to eyeball me, 'I see worse on the internet', was her casual reply, 'my ass is on the internet, in facts has had a couple of hundred thousand hits already', she concluded with a smile. My mind was racing, and I could see she was watching my facial expressions with amusement, finally only one work escaped, 'How'? Amber turned and pointed in the direction of man we were studying, 'Like that, an up-skirt'. 'Him', I retorted? Amber laughed, and shook her blond locks, 'No mother, not him, my friend Gail, we did it for a laugh, to see who got the most hits'. It was my turn to shake my head, then I began to see the funny side to it, 'I think I'll keep my bloomers on, thank you', I said, 'honestly, girls today', I muttered, but Amber was looking back to ...