1. Suspense, lust and aching

    Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: Mature, Author: horny2390, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    Claire leaves to go into town and I'm left alone with Sue. The woman I've craved for years, the one I've fantasized about so many times. She moves around the kitchen and I follow every step with my eyes, cautious to the fact she may catch me staring. As she moves to the cupboard she bends forward and I see right down her top, for a woman in her 50s she has an amazing pair of breasts, I bite my lip as she sorts through the pans until she finds what she needs and the view has gone. Unfortunately though I have noticed that I was getting a little too excited, and considering I'm sat in pyjama bottoms its going to be very noticeable if I stood up. But I continue to watch this gorgeous woman move around. I remember when Claire told me all about the fact her Mum and Dad no longer have sex, and I wonder how that must make Sue feel. Through the lust going through my mind I begin to wonder if me coming on to her may be something she would in fact enjoy, the attention of someone wanting her body, wanting to kiss her, but obviously on the flip side I am dating her daughter. She bends over again to the same cupboard but this time I get the view from behind, and as I get even hornier and harder and I make a dart upstairs before I'm found out, I can't possibly tell her I want her body can I? I lay on the bed and hear her moving around. The kettle comes to a boil and before I know it there's footsteps on the stairs. &#034Are you ok darling?&#034 asks Julie. &#034Yeah I'm ok, just going to ...
    jump in the shower&#034 I reply. Julie then moves to her room and I grab my towel. We pass one another on the corridor and she smiles at me. She turns and says &#034I'm making a tea if you would like one? Be nice to have some company downstairs too if you would join me?&#034 She smiles again, normally she is a stern talking person, however her mood was a lot more calm and relaxed. &#034I'd love one thank you, I'll be down in 15 minutes or so.&#034 As I jump in the shower my imagination goes into over load. Thinking of her body, her breasts and even more. Imagining what it must be like to fulfill and fantasy since I had when I was a teen, to fuck an older woman, but even more of a turn on, to fuck your girlfriends Mother! Before I know it I am throbbing hard, I rub my cock up and down and let out a moan as I'm so turned on at the thoughts I'm having. I control myself though and finish off washing my body in the shower, as I get out I hear footsteps quickly moving away from the bathroom, was Sue outside listening? My heart races and wonders if she heard me moan. I move to the bedroom and she's nowhere in sight, I dry off and throw some clothes on. I hear her move around downstairs again and take a deep breath as I begin to make my way down. Her scent fills the house as it normally does, but it seems even stronger. I go down and I'm greeted by another smile and a tea next to where Sue was sitting on the sofa, we'd be sitting side by side I presume. I thank Sue for the tea, take a ...