1. Pictures of parents

    Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: Mature, Voyeur, Author: printeven, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    When my in-laws Reg and Vera got to their seventies they decided to downsize from a large terraced house to a two bedroomed ground floor flat. Through wise investment in the past they were able to buy the flat before selling the house and had to leave a lot of things behind to make the move. A couple of months after moving and when they had settled into their new home they left it to me and my wife Jean to clear the house and put it on the market. All of the furniture, bed linen and kitchen utensils went to a charity that worked with the homeless and most other items went to a local second hand shop, we couldn't be bothered with all the hassle of using eBay. Having cleared the house the only thing left to tackle was Reg's workshop at the end of the garden. Reg was a bit of a squirrel who did not like throwing things away and the workshop was full of wood oddments, half empty paint tins, broken tools as well as good tools etc. We called in a dealer of old tools who took a lot away. All other pieces of metal we piled in the front garden and within a couple of days the metal fairy had been and it had all gone. This left all the wood oddments which unfortunately we could not burn because of air pollution laws. This had to be carried through the house and put in the front garden. As I pulled a load of wood oddments out from under the bench I found a tin box at the back. When I opened it I found several boxes of 35mm slides, several reels of Standard 8 cine film and two pairs of ...
    French knickers. When our c***dren were small Reg had given us his Standard 8 camera and projector and they were still in our loft so I knew we could view the films. By strange concidence we had recently bought a USB 35mm slide reader and so could copy the slides onto our computer. That evening after a bit of search I found the old projector and it still worked. We then started to watch the films and we were both suprised by what we saw. Jean had a strict upbringing and when we first met she would go brilliant red whenever the subject of sex was raised and if anything sex related was shown on the television one of her parents would turn it off or change channel. She still does the same today. Each of the films is on a 50ft reel and only lasts a few minutes. The first one was in black and white and was shot from the front showing a young women on hers knees and being fucked by a man kneeling behind her. It wasn't until we got to the end of the film that I realised it was my in-laws. I rewound the film and put another reel on the projector and this time it was of Vera sucking Reg's cock. I looked at Jean and her face was brilliant red. I then proceeded to show all the films and we saw Reg licking Vera's cunt and them fucking in different positions and places. As well film of Reg and Vera there were also two films of Reg standing behind two different women who were wearing only French knickers, Reg had his right hand inside their knickers and his left hand holding their tits. That ...