1. A Weekend With Daddy

    Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: TXLOVING2015, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    carpet in front of her playfully. Her father tossed another card at her, a 6. He dealt himself a card and had a 6 and a 3 showing. She called him. They flipped their cards over and she rolled her eyes as she saw his ace of diamonds, a 6 and a 3. She'd lost by one. &#034Urgghh...You cheated!&#034 Stacy laughed and grabbed her drink. &#034What?! Cheated? I never!&#034 Craig slid the cards out of the way and sipped his drink, eyeing his daughter. She eyed him back. They grinned at each other. &#034What?!&#034 Stacy playfully demanded. &#034You know what! Pay up!&#034 Craig leaned back against the couch smiling and watching her. He wanted her naked. He wanted to run his tongue up her tummy and into her belly button. &#034No! That isn't fair.&#034 Stacy was smiling and flirty. &#034Please daddy...ugh...fine!&#034 Stacy gave in and grinned at her dad while she tugged at the tight sports bra. Craig's heart beat was rapid as he watched his daughter struggle to rip the bra off of her. Her small tits bounced free as she yanked the top off. She was nervous to see her father's face and she tried to stay in the moment where her head was inside her top as it slid up her arms. Then, they locked eyes. Craig didn't know what to do, he just kept darting his gaze back and forth from her tits to her face. She had a carefree look on her face, a good bluff. He handed her the deck and she dealt their next hand. &#034Ugh...&#034 Craig had lost. He peeled his shirt off, pretending to do it sexy and ...
    sensually. Stacy giggled and slapped the carpet, taking another sip of her drink. She passed him the cards, letting her eyes explore his chest and arms. &#034Dammit!&#034 Craig stared off in disbelief, he'd lost again. His cock had been struggling to break through his sweats all night and it was finally going to be free. The looked into each others eyes, knowing that this was going way beyond what either ever thought it would go. She was going to see her father's hard cock. He was eyeing her tits. The two had seen each other in a way no father and daughter ever should. Her pussy was swimming and hungry to be fucked. Craig knew he had to pay up. He stood up, looking down at his daughter. His erection stood out away from his hips, tenting his sweats. Stacy eyed his cock hungrily as it sprung from his waist band. A thin stringer of cum broke between the sweats and his cock. He felt exposed. Stacy bit her lip as she watched her naked father sit down and cross his legs Indian style. His thick cock stuck out from between his legs and he made no attempt to hide it. &#034Guess I lost.&#034 &#034Guess so. You can play for something else, I'll keep playing for clothes.&#034 Stacy started dealing another hand, not taking her eyes off of her father. &#034Hmm...Interesting. What am I playing for?&#034 &#034Mmmm...&#034 Stacy pretended to think hard. &#034How about dares?&#034 she and Megan had played a few fun games of black jack with dares as bets. &#034Haha! Sounds good.&#034 Craig took ...