1. A Weekend With Daddy

    Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: TXLOVING2015, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    it...I want you to fuck her.&#034 Sarah's voice was factual and encouraging. Craig was quiet and listened to his wife talk. He heard her flick her lighter and light a cigarette. He heard the pop of her lips as they pulled away from the smoke to exhale. &#034I think it would be so fucking hot. I know she'd enjoy it, I've seen the way she looks at you. She's closer to you than she is to me.&#034 Her lips popped again and he heard her gently exhaling the smoke. He kept thinking about his wife's words. &#034As much fun as that would be, I don't think she'd go for it. It's a big step from having a crush on your father to letting him crush your pussy.&#034 Craig was still squeezing his cock, enjoying the conversation. &#034Please baby...I want to know you're fucking her. I want to be laying here right now, knowing that your cock is deep in my baby girl.&#034 her baby girl was certainly no baby, but she got off on calling her that. &#034You're chicken.&#034 Sarah teased, giggling into the phone. &#034Maybe a little.&#034 his voice was breathy as he stroked harder and faster. &#034Come on baby. Just think, you could be burying that cock into her pussy right now. In just 20 brief minutes, you could be filling it with cum...&#034 &#034Mmm...is she on the pill still?&#034 &#034Oh yes...I wouldn't let my baby girl dress like that without being protected.&#034 Her lips popped and she exhaled again. Sarah listened to Craig's heavy breathing, egging him on more and more. Before she knew ...
    it, the phone suddenly went silent. She looked at the screen and saw that the call had ended. She tried calling Craig back and got no answer. She tried again. No answer. &#034He isn't. Is he?&#034 Sarah asked her self. Had she really just coaxed her husband into fucking their teenage daughter? Her pussy swam at the thought. She finished her cigarette and went back into her aunt's house where her large f****y had gathered for a wholesome, joyous weekend, all the while she imagined her husband destroying her baby girl back home. Craig stood up and checked himself out in the bathroom mirror. He brushed his teeth, refreshed his deodorant, and sprayed some cologne around his neck and waist. His hands were shaking thinking about what he was about to do. He pulled on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt that hugged his hard body. He was no body builder, but he was fairly lean and the muscles and structure he did have were pronounced. His chest and back were stretched between a broad pair of shoulders and his arms were thick. He looked at himself, knowing that a girl as slim and petite as his daughter would be easy to throw around in bed. If she was anything like her mother, she would have no problem taking a hard pounding. He left his room and knocked on her door on his way down to the living room. She was slow to answer. &#034What's up?&#034 Stacy called. &#034Hey baby, I was having trouble sl**ping, want some ice cream?&#034 he wasn't even sure they had ice cream. There was a pause. ...