1. Adventures of Wendy

    Date: 9/11/2015, Categories: Group Sex, Interracial Sex, Mature, Author: wendy52, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    Adventures of Wendy Part I: The Hook It was a sundrenched Thursday in southern California. A somewhat uneventful week was slowly but surely grinding to its end. As I was expecting my husband’s return from his job in the Texas oil fields on Friday, I was feeling miserable this week, simply because I didn’t get to enjoy some young cock. My usual boy toys were all unreachable. Some were out of town, some had found girlfriends and were trying to be Romeo (how lame is that), while some others were bombarded with last minute exam preparations. Wednesday evening I tried to change my bad luck as I drove my minivan through the ghettos in search of some young black cock, but it was not my day, the police were patrolling all over investigating a couple of murders. Simply put, my week couldn’t have been any worse. I decided to put aside my worries and go for a workout in spite of the sweaty weather. I changed into my workout gear, a black Lululemon yoga pant, a turquoise Nike sports-bra and a pair of New Balance workout shoes of the same colour. The Lululemon pant especially has a tendency to show off my cameltoe, something that has made me love those pants even more. As I got onto my white Chevy Camaro and drove towards the gym, I realised that I had left behind my favourite granola bars which I had a habit of taking after each workout. Rather than turn back home to retrieve them, I decided it was best to drop by the Whole Foods Market on the way to pick them up. A few minutes later, I ...
    had parked in at the Whole Foods and was walking into the store. Having grabbed the granola bars, I decided to walk into the fresh produce section to pick up some organic fruits to make myself a smoothie when I head back home. Suddenly I spot something that interests my eye. It wasn’t a fruit, it was the boy unloading the fruit! A nerdy fellow, around about 20 years old, he was tall and slim and had simple side swept hair reminiscent of Leo Di Caprio from Romeo and Juliet, except in this boy’s case it was dark hair. He just made me stop in my tracks as I stood near a display of whatever it was (I was too distracted to notice what it was) and scanned this young stud, who might well be the answer to all my prayers. He seemed a humble, hard worker and not a rascal, a quality that I like. Without any delay I was projecting in my head how this boy would look naked. His apron was definitely covering my view of his crotch area but he seemed to have cute little ass although he wasn’t well built. Even from this distance it was certain that this was a college nerd who was some sort of genius, his mannerisms gave that away. I knew this was my golden opportunity to break my jinx. Fate had answered my prayers when I least expected, but to my delight I was dressed for the occasion. My sports-bra was holding up my boobs right in front of anyone who cared to look, it was like holding a board reading “Hey look, I have big boobs over here!”. I quickly looked down on my crotch and secretively ...