Camping with Mom
Date: 9/14/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: mind_warrior_2000, Rating: 98, Source: xHamster
carried my gear downstairs I saw that mom had already packed her things and had them sitting by the door. We loaded them into the car and off we went. Being that we live so far north and it was the middle of January, it was blistering cold outside. Not quite freezing, but still in the low 40s. It’d be colder in the mountains but perfect camping weather. After a three hour drive, we got to the spot where we always park our car. We got out, gathered our equipment and had a quick bite to eat, before we started the five hour hike to where we do our camping. It’s a long hike but the view of the peaceful lake and beautiful surrounding mountain wilderness is its own reward. My mom may be 38 but she’s in good shape and can carry her own share of the gear. We’d packed pretty light… just a small tent, sl**ping rolls, cooking supplies, the clothes we were wearing and fishing gear. Everything was tucked neatly into our backpacks. My rifle was slung over my shoulder, just in case we ran into an aggressive a****l. We’d been hiking for about 4 hours when the sky quickly became overcast with dark, heavy clouds. It was close to 4 in the afternoon and it looked like we were going to get rained on so we moved up the hill until we found a small nearly level spot to set up a camp. We still had another hour to hike before we got to our favorite fishing spot but now we’d have to wait till morning. Just as we set our packs down, it started to rain and, almost immediately, the rain became a cold, ...