Date: 9/14/2015, Categories: Group Sex, Hardcore, Mature, Author: zimabean, Rating: 80, Source: xHamster
Janet has lived next door to me for many years and we have become close. She has a son named Max who is a great guy. I get to watch him when Janet and her husband are away. On this day Janet and I and a couple of our friends were sitting by the pool talking while the k**s were playing. Max got out of the pool and walked over, picked up a ball and threw back in at the other k**s. "My goodness Janet, what is that between Max's legs?" Carol asked. "I was looking at that too! Janet, have you investigated that? Because if you don't I will." Sherry said with a laugh. I looked over at Max who was strutting around the pool, his wet swim suit clung to his body showing off his massive penis. I had not really noticed this before. Max had hit puberty and shot up like a weed. He is now six foot five and two hundred fifty pounds and will not be a teen for a few more months. "I know, it is massive, way bigger than his dad's. I don't know where it came from but it is hard not to wonder what that thing would be like.." Janet paused. "I can tell you what that would be like, AMAZING!! I had a boyfriend hung like that and all I wanted was that thing inside me!" Sherry said. Janet blushed a little. I was to stay with Max over the weekend. So I packed a small bag as it was just next door. Janet had already left, MAx has been home for some time by himself. I went over and let myself in. I got settled in my room. I heard some noise from Max's room and ran to check. ...