Mrs. Smith {Part IX}
Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: archer_p, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
to go for it. I had a general idea of the direction that the girl headed and went out toward where she would be. To my surprise she was standing outside looking at all the tall buildings. She glanced over her shoulder and saw me coming out of the hotel and began walking away. She must want me to follow her. I began walking behind her. Every so often she would stop and turn around looking to make sure that I was following. Once she spotted me she would walk slowly. This went on only long enough to make a circle around the block and back to the hotel. She must have just wanted to make sure that I was serious and to make sure that her parents were gone from the hotel when she went back in. I glanced over and saw that Ms. Smith was still sitting in the hotel restaurant slowly working on her wine that we had ordered for dinner. She headed right for the elevators turning and looking behind her and wiggling a finger at me to follow her. This time I picked up my pace and followed her into the elevator. It was awkward, but she made it all the more awkward by not even saying anything to me she reached out and pulled me in for a kiss as the elevator doors closed. Reaching behind her she pressed a button on the switch board. I was not sure what floor we were going to, but the kissing lasted until the ding of the elevator announced our stop at the floor she pressed. I half thought that she was stalking us because the floor was the same as ours. That was taken away right as she grabbed my ...