The Boss's Wife Part 2
Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: Mature, Author: ReligousEagle, Rating: 8, Source: LushStories
It had been a while since my encounter with Louise. Lee’s trip to the states had been called off and so Louise had been in the office every day. Each day she had popped down to my office and told me that she really wanted to get together again. She would walk in to my office, lean back against the door, and open her top. The first time she did it, Lee had been on his way down, so it all happened very quickly. The next time she came down, she had a dress on, and she lifted it up. ‘I know you want this, don’t you?’ I just nodded as she put her hand between her legs, her fingers opening her pussy lips, then she slipped a finger quickly in and out of herself. Even from where I was sitting I could see how wet she was. The front door to the office had an alarm on it so whenever it was opened it went off, just at that moment someone opened it. Louise quickly tidied herself and left my office. It was a mad Friday. Some parts we needed hadn’t arrived and some parts I hadn’t finished building and testing, and yet the order was due out, with another order due on Monday. I spent the whole day rushing around trying to get it all sorted. Lee came down, in his usual terrible mood, shouting and screaming at me and how we wouldn’t be getting the order out on time, and generally having a go at me. Once I managed to explain what was happening he left. I told him that I had arranged for a courier to pick up the order in the morning and I was working late on Friday evening. He had calmed down by ...