sex delights.
Date: 9/3/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Author: Shermohammd, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
We're a modern, affluent, and secular Indian f****y. My name is Kaerishna and my wife's name is Shobha. We're now in age group of fifties. Ours is a large f****y and added to it the f****y friends, it makes it what we call in our own language a "Kunba" (A big joint f****y). We're business people and this "Kunba" is the result of inter-marriages. Recently, we arranged a get-together of half a dozen senior members in our circle and discussed sex with all its bearings especially on the fast growing teens generation. It goes without saving that for now sex is no more a taboo with us. We all see porn movies often with our elders and teens. Teens are real enthusiasts and zealots in their newly mysteries of ex. They know much about sex and they're fully aware that everyone in the f****y love and want them. So, they are most responsive to the older generation whom they call "uncles." They have both lived with and loved by "uncles." They've learnt sex either from school mates or more frequently from "Aunties." There is an Auntie known as Aarti. Girls simply love them. One secret about Artee is that she tells stories to them. She tells them of a fairy land where A fairy takes young girls to the fairy land on magic flying carpets. There they meet with beautiful princes who are so excited and pleased to see them as coming from a different world. They hug and kiss them before taking them in their castles. They remain their whole night and princes ...