1. Blowjob at work

    Date: 9/3/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Author: Scarletjezebel, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    My secret tactic This story is true. I changed names and certain details to protect privacy. I am an interior designer and my husband builds furniture. Together we run a business doing everything from custom upholstery on home interiors to automobiles. He builds chairs, tables and shelves, while I hand paint furniture and sew d****s and upholstery. Usually I meet with clients and write the ads while he draws the designs and does all the woodwork. This last week was no different, I had 3 appointments before noon while Kevin was drawing up plans for a yoga studio. I looked at my schedule, and tried to figure out how I was going to meet my last client on time. He was all the way across town and traffic was not going to allow me to make on time. I called him as soon as I was in the car. “Hello, Mark?” “Yes” “This is Scarlett, I’m not going to make it on time today. I have an appointment with a hotel at 11:00 and its all the way across town. I was hoping you could meet me somewhere in between” “Where is the hotel?” “45th and Broadway” “I can meet you there.” “You're awesome!” “I try to be.” he laughed. Mark was a bit older than me by a few years. He obviously took good care of himself. Clean cut, short hair, ex-military look. He was always flirtatious and I always reciprocated. Kevin and I have an open relationship. We spend most of our time together and he likes for me to be flirty and naughty with men I meet. Its a huge turn on for him. The first two meeting went as expected, ...
    simple pattern changes, a few plants and some lighting. I glanced around the hotel bar and didn’t notice him anywhere. I started to call him and in the back corner, I saw him. Back to the wall, in a corner booth. He had been watching me. “Hello Mark.” “Scarlett.” “Were you watching me just now?” “Yes. You make it easy to wait.” He winked at me. “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed your time.” I smiled at him. We talked for a while about what he needed. A kitchen table, and a bar. Easy enough. The conversation was professional, details about wood finishes, and structural style. I asked him if he wanted to discuss the choices with his wife and he kind of chuckled. “No.” I cocked an eyebrow at him. “Are you sure?” “Absolutely. She doesn’t care and I don’t want to waste the effort of trying to make her.” “Trouble at home?” “No, just not that type of relationship anymore.” He eventually explained how they had drifted apart and kept their marriage in name only. They went from being husband and wife to roommates. Occasionally sl**ping together, more out of obligation than anything else, neither was satisfied. “How long do you go without?” I asked. “Sex?” “Yes.” “Longer than I care to mention...” “Like months?” “More than a few... our last time was about 8 months ago.” “God, I’m sorry, I couldn’t go 8 days.” He laughed like I was joking. “Seriously?” his face changed from flirtatious to surprised. “As a heart attack.” I winked at him. He went on to tell me how his wife was sexually frigid his ...