1. The Post Office

    Date: 9/4/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Author: lprichy, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    somewhere else?” She was surprisingly forthright. “Well, we can’t go back to my place for obvious reasons” I said. “Not to worry, we can go back to my house”. It turns out that she divorced about 2 years ago and her ex had left her the house. Both her k*ds had left home to go to university, so her house was safe and discreet. I think she was initially reluctant to suggest her own house, but it’s far better than having the awkwardness of walking into a hotel and asking for a room for the afternoon! Anyway, the destination was decided and we both quickly agreed to drink up and leave. She had travelled to the bar in a taxi, and I was in my own car, so we both headed outside so that I could drive us back to her place. I think she was impressed by the car – a brand new Mercedes. “Looks like you’re doing alright for yourself” she said. I never know what to say when people say that to me, so I just gave her a modest wink, and we set off on the 15 minute journey to her place. Apart from giving me directions we never said a word in the car, but the tension was electric. Eventually, after what seemed like hours, we arrived at her place, a modest but well-presented house in a nice leafy suburban street. She opened the car door first, but I was out of the car like a shot and around to the passenger side, hoping for a glimpse up her skirt. Frustratingly, she knew how to get out of a car without showing her knickers! Maybe she’s a lady after all, I thought? As we walked towards her front ...
    door, me walking slightly behind her, I once again clapped eyes on her gorgeous arse in that tight skirt. It had a small tantalising slit up the back, but it sadly wasn’t revealing anything. She had pretty wide hips, but very well proportioned with the rest of her body, and her arse was very well defined. It’s hard to explain, but her arse cheeks had a definite starting point at the top of her legs, as opposed to some women whose arses just sort of blend into the backs of their thighs. Once inside the house, she walked me through into the kitchen. “Fancy a cuppa?” she said cheerfully. “Yeah, go on then” I said, not being able to resist a cup of tea, and I also thought that it would help us both relax into the occasion. As we sat at the kitchen table making small talk again, she suddenly moved her chair around to the same side of the table to where I was sitting. At that point the verbal conversation seemed to dry up and all communication went visual. Tentatively, and mindful of a potentially negative reaction, I moved my right hand towards her and placed it on her left knee. “We both know why we’re here don’t we” I said knowingly. She pursed her lips slightly and gave me a comforting nod. It was all I needed. Almost immediately I slipped my hand under the hem of her skirt and started the sensual journey up her thigh. Her reaction was immediate & encouraging, she slightly parted her knees to assist with my exploration. She was obviously up for it. It wasn’t many seconds later ...