1. Watching his MOTHER get FUCKED

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: First Time, Hardcore, Mature, Author: funnsun2, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    now knew that I would be watching her every damn night if I could get away with it! She told me to come back over in a couple hours and that she would have a list for me to do. I could hardly wait but I did and came back at the time she told me. She was still wearing the same stuff and I started moving some boxes around for her and sweeping out the garage, etc. Ib was all sweaty and nasty after a few hours but I finished and got paid, She gave me some more ice tea in the kitchen and said that if I wanted to, I could use their shower to wash up and clean off. I told her I would like that so she led me to her bathroom and handed me a towel and wash cloth. She shut the bathroom door and I striped naked and stepped in the shower. After cleaning up, I was out and drying off when she knocked at the door and before I could say anything, she swung it open and I was standing there with a towel in my hand, butt ass naked! She ahd seen my f****y jewels and it actually turned me on some. She apologized and said she wanted to tell me that she had some lunch ready for us! I told her thank you and noticed she was looking down more at my cock than my face. Just before she shut the door she said I was a &#034big&#034 boy!..LOL I, being the horny young guy I was, liked that comment and it made my cock get hard, thinking about it. I started to get dressed back into my own dirty clothes when I heard her tell me that I could just wear that towel and she would wash my clothes for me. I said ok and ...
    wrapped myself up from the waist down ans went back out and to the kitchen where she was now waiting. I sat at the table across and next to her and she had her bare feet up on the table and she looked damn good too. She was sipping a beer and said she had something in the oven heating up for us and for me to relax until my clothes were clean and dry. I glanced over and down at her crotch and I could see her shorts creeping up into her pussy almost and I even saw just a wisp of that blond hair down there as well. I could almost smell her and I seemed to not be able to keep from looking down at that. I think she knew because she would every now and then pull one leg back up and over, giving me a sort of little peep show. I was of course wearing only this towel and it was pulled pretty high up on my thigh. I noticed that she herself kept eye balling me down there and it made me hot just knowing it. She got up and got some plates and we ate this turkey sandwich thing and after we were done, she got up and took the dishes and bent over right in my face so her ass was right in my face/ I wanted to touch it so bad but didn't of course and she put away the dishes, sat back down and asked me if I LIKED the show she put on last night and a couple weeks ago while I watched her in the window! I FLIIPPED out, how the hell did she know and who even knew about it but me! I turned all red and almost fainted! I acted like I didn't know what she meant but she pointed to a lap top computer and ...