1. Mature

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Mature, Author: milfman260, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    The knock at the door came right on time. Doris glanced in the mirror on the wall just before reaching for the knob. She smiled to herself, knowing she was both excited and nervous. With a swing of the door, his smile put her at ease. &#034Hi, I'm Brian.&#034 She returned his smile. &#034I'm Doris. Thanks for driving down.&#034 &#034My pleasure. Now, you said something about a cabinet door that wouldn't shut.&#034 Doris opened the door and motioned for him to step inside. Brian was just as he had described himself. He stepped into the entryway, giving her a chance to get a good look at him from the back. A tool belt was hitched around his waist and slung to the side. It framed the top and side of his Wrangler's. Doris' eyes locked in on scene. &#034So where is this cabinet door?&#034 She looked up and caught herself slightly embarrassed. &#034It's in here,&#034 she said as she walked toward the kitchen. &#034You don't need to be embarrassed,&#034 Brian said. &#034Huh?&#034 &#034You don't need to feel uncomfortable if you want to look. That is what this is all about. You are free to enjoy this any way that you like. As I mentioned earlier, I enjoy doing what gives you pleasure. If that is just fixing your cabinet door while you watch, then great. I assure you, I will enjoy wondering what you are thinking about.&#034 Doris reached out to a cabinet door and turned. &#034You are a charming guy,&#034 she said. &#034I'm just me.&#034 &#034This is the door. You see, it doesn't ...
    close all the way. It's been like that for over a year. Drives me crazy. So, what if I want more than just to watch?&#034 Brian chuckled. &#034You're the boss. As I told you, this is your chance to let your inhibitions fly out the window.&#034 Brian grabbed a screwdriver from his tool belt and opened the cabinet door. Doris stepped back and sat down at the table. &#034Okay then,&#034 she said. &#034I would love to see you without those @jeans.&#034 Brian turned around and smiled. He put his screwdriver back in his tool belt. &#034Just the @jeans?&#034 he asked. &#034For now.&#034 Brian reached down and untied his boots. He pulled is boots and socks off and then loosened his belt. He turned and unzipped his pants so that Doris could watch. She fixed her eyes on his hands. With a gentle tug, his @jeans dropped to the floor. He pulled them free, leaving behind only a pair of tight fitting gray briefs. Doris could see his erection pushing against the fabric. &#034I see you do get enjoyment from this,&#034 she said. &#034Take those off though.&#034 Brian pulled his briefs down and set them over with his @jeans and boots. Doris smiled to herself, and sat back in her chair. She had never had a man strip at her bidding, and she was amused at the pleasure that had come over her. Brian turned back and retrieved his screwdriver. She watched without a tinge of reservation or discomfort, knowing that the show was for her pleasure. His legs were well built and his butt firm. Doris let her hand ...