1. my rich s****r fucked by ugly poor old man part 2

    Date: 9/8/2015, Categories: Mature, Author: adldan6565, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    jungle is very dense and only two people can go&#034).said pratap while he removed his hand from inside my s****r's cloths.('tik hai pratap tau&#034).(&#034ok pratap tau (uncle)&#034).said shahbana while looking at pratap and smiling.shahbana told me to be here while she and pratap tau (uncle) come after a while.i said ok as i thought that i will follow them and while hiding in the bushes can watch some sex scene.after nearly a minute as they left i start walking a little fast in the dense and i saw them a few yards ahead of me and after following them for a while they stopped and i hided in the leaves of a tree nearby and pratap hold the hand of shahbana and pulled her towards him and hugged her.and shahbana smiled and both began to kiss each other.i thought why such a beautiful young girl who is so much rich and educated?prefer an old ugly uneducated poor villager like pratap?.pratap began to kiss her neck while holding her boobs and shahbana was holding his shoulders with both of her hands.pratap began to kiss her neck and slowly slowy her boobs and tummy and then he turned her and began kiss the back of her neck and her back while pressing both of her boobs with his hands from back.shahbana closed her eyes while holding his hands.then pratap again turned her and removed her black scarf and her black kurta.then he removed her blue jeans.shahbana was just into her bra and pantie.she was wearing black bra and black pantie.pratap stared at her and smiled.then he removed her ...
    bra and pantie.now my 34 year old young rich s****r was standing nude in front of this 74 year ugly poor old man in middle of this dense jungle.pratap removed his kurta and dhothi and was full nude as he already left his underwear in the car as it was wet.now his dick emerged from his old white private hairs.it was a huge black dick maybe 1/3 of the size of a 1 litre drinking bottle.she shahbana's eyes was stuck at looking the giant dick of this old man.pratap hold her lay her to the ground which was covered with dead leaves.pratap then sat and open her legs and put his dick in front of her pussy.then slowly he put his dick inside her pussy and shahbana moan ahaaahahaa slowly.slowly slowly pratap began to increase his speed and shahbana hold him tight like a octopus.now pratap began to increase his speed more and shahbana was moaning louldy ahahaahahahaahahpratap tauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuahahahahahahahaahahah.shahbana began to kiss his black neck and chest and was holding him very tight.shahbana began to hit his black ass with her hands very fast.i was rubbing my dick while watching the love making of my young beautiful s****r with this old ugly primitive man.pratap was now fucking her very fast and very hardly.her eyes bean to roll and was screaming madly ahhahahahhahahaahahahtaauuuuuuuuuuuuauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaahahhaisaisisisisiiaaaaaaaaaaaaiaiaiaiaaaaaaahahahah.both of them were locked in intense love making.i never saw such a passion in love making not even in porn i ...