1. Who is seducing who?

    Date: 9/8/2015, Categories: Masturbation, Mature, Shemales, Author: chrisluvsgirls, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    One of my main fantasies involves me seducing a girl in public... in a cafe for example! I've only just met you & you are so glamorous I am absolutely captivated! We are in a 50's style diner & it's really busy but we have a table in one of those booths. We;ve ordered our food & are chatting easily all the while flirting uncontiolably, We're sat opposite eachother at the small table & your stocking clad leg accidently brushes against mine I can feel the silkiness even through my jeans. You apologise & I tell you thats absolutely fine & I reach my hand under the table & touch you kneee.. A small stroke of your leg as reassurance that its fine.. but then I see your cherry red lips part & a small sigh escapes & something in your eyes tels me to linger there a second or two longer than necessary! I laugh uneasily & remove my uninvited hand. I must've mis read the sigh & eyes. Or maybe not, now I can see a glimmer of disappointment on your face... I think! we continue our conversation instead. Your leg brushes against mine again.. that was no accident... you actually rubbed it against me slowly, seductively & most definitely on purpose... I don't want you to stop so I reach under the table & gently pull your calf closer to my leg... no resistance my fingers subtly caress the siky material of your stockings & I can feel the heat of your soft skin through the gossamer thin material... I watch for you reaction... yep she like my touch that was definitely a sigh this time! So I will ...
    just leave my hand there & stroke those delicous nulon clad legs some more each time covering more & more of your fabulous leg. You slid forward in your seat to allow me to feel even more of your leg & raise your leg placing your stilletod heel between my leges resting on my seat... your heel is pressing into my groin & my growing bulge is really starting to get uncomfortable... but in an oh so nice way! All the while my fingers trace those gorgeous legs I feel the back of my hand touching your peticote as it slides up your skirt... this is madness... so many people around... but no need to worry they're all engrossed in their own little worlds, anywy I'm only touching her leg so what the hell! You're finding my touches exciting... you want more & slide further down in your seat so I can caress higher, up to your thigh. I'm savouring every glorious moment... this is devine! Back to reality with a jolt as the waitress arrives & asks &#034is everything OK?&#034 we both jolt at the interuption & don't grasp immediately what she means.. &#034Yes everything is just perfect&#034 I stammer, &#034Can I get you anything else?&#034 oh yes please I want my girlfriends other leg to fondle I think but instead I laugh & say &#0342 coffes please&#034 &#034No problem, coming right up&#034 she says, &#034take your time, we're in no rush! she smiles & heads off&#034 I look at you, you look at me, were both frozen in the same position we were orio to the waitresses interuption... You've slid so ...