1. Parkservice Tuesday mid-July

    Date: 9/8/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Author: amaturservice147, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    I am late with the follow up to the Monday event I had Tuesday written sand just as I was going to up load, we had a power outage. I have been very busy since then, I have a few days so I may catch up some. I include many non sex related details because as events unfold the human interaction is what drives true passion, which in turn makes a shared fun event. Tuesday, my last day as a sign turner on the drain ditch cleaning crew. Now maybe I can get back to what seems to me to be more relevant volunteer work, which includes educating visitors to the park about the Parks history and natural features. I returned to my tent on the sheltered cliff, haven had dinner at the wayside, I settled into what was to be an evening of rest. I was about to open the envelope marked Wednesday when I heard the unmistakable sound of someone approaching my location. I am off the beaten path and cannot be seen from above so who is here and how did they get here? Shortly a very thin hiker appeared and headed toward the cliff and sat down. Soon in the setting sun light I realized I was looking at a woman thru hiker. I walked over and she looked up and said I hope you do not mind me sharing your view. I said of course not, what could I do anyway, I just hoped she was not going to hit me up for provisions as some do. In short order it became obvious a shower was very much in order, so there was little problem in me keeping my distance. Shortly I sat down a safe distance away and asked her how she ...
    found me, she replied the sun reflected off of the metal poles in the tent frame. So she came up through all the brush just to see what had attracted someone to pitch a tent where I did. She agreed it was a very good spot with a view. In course of the conversation she said she was hiking the trail in memory of her failed marriage and just to be away from people in general. I commented that she had found a people and so now what. She laughed and said she did not know. We talked a bunch more -- I listened as this stranger told me things the probably only God and her divorce Lawyer knew. Finally looking at her thin size I asked if she had eaten, she replied not a real meal, but I get by. I told her I had some canned stew a stove and some fruit in the car I would heat up the stew if she wanted some. She asked where is the car? I pointed up, she was amazed that there was a parking lot above us and stairs up to it that no one knew about. Well I fixed her something to eat, no pans just open the can heat and eat. She was hungry! She thanked me and said now if there was just a shower nearby the night would be complete. I told her about the spring pipe just up the trail and to my surprise she did not want to go alone. She felt vulnerable when bathing and wanted a guard. I told her I only had dish soap, to my surprise she pule d a bar of homemade lye soap from her back, saying it does not attract insects. We walked to the pipe, I reminded her the water was COLD she was fine with it. She ...