Parkservice Tuesday mid-July
Date: 9/8/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Author: amaturservice147, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
I am late with the follow up to the Monday event I had Tuesday written sand just as I was going to up load, we had a power outage. I have been very busy since then, I have a few days so I may catch up some. I include many non sex related details because as events unfold the human interaction is what drives true passion, which in turn makes a shared fun event. Tuesday, my last day as a sign turner on the drain ditch cleaning crew. Now maybe I can get back to what seems to me to be more relevant volunteer work, which includes educating visitors to the park about the Parks history and natural features. I returned to my tent on the sheltered cliff, haven had dinner at the wayside, I settled into what was to be an evening of rest. I was about to open the envelope marked Wednesday when I heard the unmistakable sound of someone approaching my location. I am off the beaten path and cannot be seen from above so who is here and how did they get here? Shortly a very thin hiker appeared and headed toward the cliff and sat down. Soon in the setting sun light I realized I was looking at a woman thru hiker. I walked over and she looked up and said I hope you do not mind me sharing your view. I said of course not, what could I do anyway, I just hoped she was not going to hit me up for provisions as some do. In short order it became obvious a shower was very much in order, so there was little problem in me keeping my distance. Shortly I sat down a safe distance away and asked her how she ...