Mrs. Smith {Part VIII}
Date: 9/8/2015, Categories: Masturbation, Mature, Taboo, Author: archer_p, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
someone as young as he would have so many intriguing insights about so many subjects. It was such a turn on that he seemed to hang on my every word and look at me like I was a goddess. The only down point of the evening was when he excused himself to use the mens room and while he was gone the waiter came over and asked me if my son was done with his meal. I was glad Ponte hadn't heard that for I'm sure it would have dampened the mood. I know it dampened mine momentarily. I had a sudden pang of guilt. What would his mother think if she knew what we had been doing. What started with me catching him stealing my underwear has turned into a situation neither of us should be in. But when he returned and sat back down and again looked at me with that look, I forgot all about my guilt and I settled back and enjoyed the rest of the dinner. After we were done I found myself wishing he had chosen a restaurant that had dancing for I would have loved to have him hold me close during a slow number. We were pretty quiet on the ride home, mostly because my head was spinning over my feelings for him. I was grateful when we arrived home, anxious to be alone so I could figure things out. When he asked me for a kiss I knew he deserved at least that much so I turned and placed my lips on his. It had been a long time since I felt the electricity in the air that I instantly felt as our lips touched. He pulled me close against him and I was so turned on, instead of pulling away, I nestled ...