1. Moms new lover

    Date: 9/9/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: duderonsky, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    SLAM. &#034Where the fuck is everybody? It's fuckin five thirty Jules, where's dinner?&#034 Damn. It looks like he's not going to go quietly, Jerry thought. Then his mom rushed downstairs to try and keep things calm. &#034I'm sorry honey, I just lost track of what time it was,&#034 she said as she quickly began to make him a sandwich. &#034You know I eat my dinner at five thirty every day woman,&#034 which was bullshit because he usually never even paid attention to what time it was. &#034Jesus Ray, you're rarely home at five thirty anyway.&#034 &#034Better check your tone with me, I don't want to hear any of your self righteous bullshit Julie.&#034 Jerry had come down to the living room to hear what was going on. He knew where this was headed. He peeked in the kitchen door to see his mom serve the finished sandwich only to have his dad grab the plate and smash it up against the wall. &#034I don't want no fuckin samich for dinnertime you stupid bitch! Go make me a turkey pot pie.&#034 Jerry had heard this argument before, but this time it was personal. He'd be damned if he was going to let this d***k bastard treat his lover like that. His protective instincts took control as he kicked the kitchen door in. &#034YOU DON'T TALK TO HER LIKE THAT OLD MAN,&#034 he said as he got right in his dads face. &#034You stay out of this you little goldbricker. You know damn well you could be playing ball by now. You got any idea how much money you're costing me?&#034 &#034You know what ...
    dad, you can go fuck yourself.&#034 His dad rose up out of his chair, cocked his fist back like he was going to take a swing, but before he could, Jerry dealt him a quick jab to the face which stunned him for a second. Then he took the time to set his feet, channel all his energy to his fist, and come across with a devastating overhand left that landed right on the side of the face. It spun the old man around and he landed flat on his chest. Jerry hit him so hard it felt like he broke every bone in his hand. He went straight to the sink an ran some cold water over it. Julie didn't know what to do. Her husband was lying u*********s on the floor, and her son was hunched over in pain saying he broke his hand. She looked down and could see that her husband was still breathing, so she decided to get her son some ice for his hand. After a minute or two, dad regained his senses and climbed to his feet to see his wife tending to his sons hand. &#034Fuckin mommas boy. I shit on all you.&#034 And then he left, gone to God knows where, but he would probably be back. He was so d***k that in the morning he wouldn't even remember what happened. &#034I'm sorry for that mom, I shouldn't have hit him so hard.&#034 &#034It's not your fault Jerry. It was about time somebody stood up to him anyway.&#034 &#034Do you think my hand's broke mom?&#034 &#034I don't think so but it'll be sore for a while. You really knocked him good.&#034 &#034I know. I've never hit anybody that hard before. I just ...