Moms new lover
Date: 9/9/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: duderonsky, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
just take a quick look." She knew there was no reason for her to do it but part of her really wanted to see his cock. "Well," she said as she stared down at his crotch. Jerry took the signal and reached down to fish his cock through his boxers. Even half hard his dick was larger than any other penis she had seen. She took a moment to look at it. It looked like a big banana hanging there. And when it throbbed a little it sent that tingling feeling to her lower back. She bent down to eye level with the cock, never taking her eyes off it. After a close look at the top side, she asked where the bump was. He said, "It's on the bottom side about half way down." He expected her to tell him to lift it up so she could see, but to his surprise she reached out her hand and grabbed at the head with just her fingertips, ever so gently, and lifted his member to the upright position. She had very sexy looking hands with long nails painted an off white to match her toes. The whole thing seemed to happen in slow motion, as she stared intently at the underside of his cock. "I don't see anything," she said. "It's real small like a grain of sand, you have to feel it," he responded. She reached her other hand up and began to feel the spot. "You have a very nice looking penis." She couldn't believe she just said that, but it was too late now. She had been without sex for so long she was worried what she might end up doing with this nice looking cock ...