1. Pineapple s'mores

    Date: 9/2/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Masturbation, Mature, Author: Wadwerluck, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    &#034Another crappy day&#034, I sighed, looking up at the clouds as I strolled down the sidewalk approaching the gym. &#034Andrew, you're late again, what's up with that??&#034, snorted Kelly, my boss. &#034Sorry, it won't happen again................ya two faced bitch&#034 I muttered under my breath as I entered the chage room. While throwing on my sweats I paused to look at my thirty six year old body in the long mirror; abs still perfect, quads on point, bisceps and triceps in place. By the time I hit the floor to instruct our first clients for the morning, the clouds had burst and rain was pelting the benches in the small park outside, then I heard the roar of a Harley as it drew up outside. Its owner, a thick tall black woman, thirty-something by the looks of it removed her helmet and her cut as she walked in the door wielding a gym bag that said Lynette on it and made her way over to my desk. &#034Hi&#034, she said in a husky voice, obviously made so by the tell tale odour of some serious marijuana smoking...................where do I sign up???&#034 &#034Fill this out, Miss&#034, I replied,handing her a registration form, and did my best to ignore the two ripe, firm breasts almost hanging out of her unbuttoned sweater as she bent closer to me..................she caught my slowly averting eyes and smiled a knowing smile.................&#034Don't mind me, honey.....................it's the weather..................I love the rain, it turns me on, and that damn ...
    kush ain't helping matters neither, but don't you worry, I done smoked it all, ain't none on ole Lynette now!! I took Lynette through her paces on the treadmill and bike then the other machines, and had a hell of a time avoiding her every time she rubbed her massive breasts against my arm, or stuck her ass subtly against me every time I had to show her the proper movements...................when I went into the shower area after some forty-five minutes of her being there,to make sure she hadn't collapsed from the exertion of the exercises, calling her name to make sure I didn't barge in on her naked, I turned a corner and there she was, seated on a bench, groaning, and her hands were buried between her legs as she pleasured herself...............it was too much for me to bear, because I hadn't had sex in over eight months since my breakup.....................I stood right where I was about ten feet behind her and pulled out my dick, stroking it as I focused on her massive ass and her sighs of pleasure. The thing is, I completely forgot that there was a security mirror hanging on the wall above her and when I opened my eyes, she was staring back intently at me through it with a smirk on her face. &#034Oh my God sorry, Miss ,&#034 I stuttered, as I attempted to fold my erect penis into my gym pants, while backing away from her, T&#034his will never happen again......................&#034Shhhh&#034, she replied as she put a finger to her full lips, &#034No need to apologise, ...