1. Judy Gives Into Her Desires.

    Date: 8/17/2015, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: onthereb, Rating: 8, Source: LushStories

    Judy Gives Into Her Desires. After living together for almost two years Judy and I decided to get married. Judy had been married once before and I had been married and divorced three times by my twenty-ninth birthday. In my profession I was around ladies all day and my wives were really jealous. I was forty-three and Judy was forty-four. To describe Judy she was like a dream come true. Five foot two, one-hundred and ten pounds, blonde hair, green piercing eyes that you never wanted to get angry at you. My favorite points were her double Ds. Her measurements were 34-24-35. When she walked passed all men stared. We started planning our wedding. We both wanted a very simple wedding with a great honeymoon. We talked and decided to go to Niagara Falls it was about a six and half hour plane flight from where we lived. I had lived in our city for over twenty years. I knew a lot of people. The way we figured it out we had to get married as early as possible in the morning that we decided on. I had a friend that had connections with a justice of the peace. He talked to some people and was able to get us married at seven am on any Thursday. Judy and I had to figure out how everything was going to work out, if we left on a Thursday we wanted to stay through the weekend at Niagara and come back the following Monday. We decided to get married in three weeks which would be a Thursday. On the phone I go. I got reservations at a hotel that over looked the falls and booked a flight that ...
    left at ten-thirty on the morning we were getting married. Judy called a couple of close friends and told them where we were going to get married at and the time. She told them we had to be out of there by eight-thirty that morning to make our flight. The Thursday finally rolled around. We didn't wear anything special just our traveling clothes. Everybody showed up. We both said I do and off we went to the air port. We arrived at Niagara airport at four-thirty that afternoon. We went down to get our suit cases Judy's showed and mine didn't. We talked to the people in charge and they told us that when they found mine they would give us a call at our hotel and bring it over. I was stuck in my levies a pull over shirt, a light jacket and tennis shoes. "What are you going to do," Judy asked. I Said, "We are going to go to the Hotel. We have dinner reservations at seven-forty and I also have a surprise for you." When I made the reservations, I had found out that they had live music starting at seven-thirty. I had ordered a wedding cake that would feed fifty people. We got to the hotel about five-forty. We had a Jacuzzi in our room so I figured I could set in that and watch Judy get ready. It usually takes Judy ninety minutes. She came out of the shower with nothing on. I wanted to jump out of the Jacuzzi and have sexual intercourse with her right there. I knew I would have to save that for later. We didn't even have time for sex. Judy put on her black thong and did not put a bra on. ...