1. Hands on Training

    Date: 7/31/2015, Categories: Fiction, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Job/Place-of-work, Male/Female, Masturbation, Spanking, Author: thesameoldman, Rating: 88.5, Source: sexstories.com

    your fingers, I had one while I was using my vibrator for you, the third was my with my vibrator in the bathroom earlier, and kinda had one while you were spanking me” “Really? You are a bad girl” I stated. “Shall I continue?” With a gleam in her eye she simply stated “Yes Sir” as she leaned back and grabbed the back of my head and pushed me downward. I eased down and positioned myself between her legs. She was perfectly shaved, actually It looked and felt more like a very recent waxing. Her lips were swollen and pink; her sex was already half open to me as I breathed in her aroma. I began softly. Licking her from the bottom of the opening to the top and repeating. Her juices flowed instantly. Slowly I began plunging deeper and deeper into her hole as I made passes. Two fingers made their way into her pussy. I was stoking her G spot and licking her clit at this point. Her bucking hips and increasing moans told me to keep up what I was doing. My dick was beginning to recover as I could feel it start to stiffen. I worked her like this for several minutes. She was fucking my face and fingers as much as I was her. Soon I felt her body start to tighten up, her orgasm was close. At this point I held my head and fingers still. My tongue firmly placed on her swollen clit, my fingers buried deep. With this new placement she grabbed the back of my head and was grinding hard into both of them. Then a loud cry “Oh my God… Oh my God… Oh my God…” Her pussy practically exploded in mouth ...
    and all over my face. She was a squirter! I pressed harder with my tongue, but removed my fingers from her pussy so I could freely lap up all of her orgasmic flow. Her orgasm continued for several seconds as she bucked and shrieked. Soon the waves stopped and she went limp. However, there was no way I was done. I slowly started the process all over. My tongue cleaning around all of her pussy and softly caressing her swollen hard clit with each pass. As I looked up, she was fondling her boobs and lightly pinching her nipples. Her hips began to slowly rise to meet my face with each stroke. Her pussy was wide open inviting me to continue my exploration. I grabbed her calves and pushed her legs back and open to get better access and continued my assault. From this new position I had access to both her pussy and her ass. I plunged my tongue into her pussy while pinning her legs back. From there I eased my tongue down to her puckering little asshole. After a couple flickering passes I commenced to tongue fucking her ass. Her right hand left her boobs and went directly to her clit. While I was eating her ass, her fingers worked her engorged bud into a frenzy. I could tell the next one was close now. “Oh Fuck!” she screamed as her body started tensing up once again. The convulsions ripped through her body once more as her climax took her away. “Oh Fuck…Oh fuck…Oh fuck!” was all I could hear. Her orgasm started to die down and I removed my tongue from her ass. With her legs still pinned ...