1. Life of a IMVU fucking spritualist Day 7

    Date: 8/1/2015, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Alien, Monster, Author: DracMorair, Rating: 66.7, Source: sexstories.com

    raise my shield as it's accepted my essence & Prides without adverse affects. Turning back to my kindred I wiggle my ass~~ So you two hungry? Guest_AnndyJubJub: o -o Guest_AnndyJubJub: xD Guest_AnndyJubJub: (I'm sorry... what.... what is going on xD) MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she would cuddles as she watched over him wondering if she should read the mind of the new commer she would look to the wolf with a smirk~ no me and hubby feed before we came Guest_AnndyJubJub: (W-what does she feed you... o- o...) DracMorair: ((The story line thus far is this. Lust, finding an abandoned world stone (the Ignot to the world smiths) surrounded by a temporal field shoves it up into my womb and begins expirements to open a rift between ALL worlds. Using her siblings sperm on the world stone to attempt to bridge them permanently)) DracMorair: ((As it does, more and more beings arive)) DracMorair: ((through rifts)) Guest_AnndyJubJub: ((Drac... thats very creative... Heh..)) DracMorair: ((I know I suprise myself) DracMorair: ((and it isn't just me that helped with that.. its been everybody)) DracMorair: ~~gives a gallic shrug~~ Hate to inform you loves till my womb spits you back out.. you may starve if you dont feed on a visistor or me. DracMorair: The rifts are random till all seven primal words are installed DracMorair: Atleast that's my intent DracMorair: Working without time or space can be tricky captianplutonium: 1- a rift would tear open leading the stud to mimensior were hed see again ...
    drac ad the other to ones that were together hed lay down relaxing listing on the convo- DracMorair: ~~turning around to face the stud waking from his slumber~~ Well ello love.... so glad you could rise and see what pops through. MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~she would stare a the steed wondering if she could read his inner thoughts then looks back to her husband~ DracMorair: That reminds me, you worked with Sol Invictus. Did you ever travel to imploding stars? captianplutonium: hehe mp love captianplutonium: yes iv seen som explode from the stars and earth it self vary diffret hehe DracMorair: ~~nods~~ The world smiths did a very good job with hEarth, midgard, Gaia, whatever ya love to call it captianplutonium: ((sorry got to go ill be back later)) DracMorair: ((love ya /hb) captianplutonium: ((i will try)) captianplutonium: sgh seems i still need to drag the son i ll be back as soon as im donne DracMorair: ~~nods waving wondering how the pull to his divine duty effects the rift my ears perked~~ DracMorair: ((Fill in the blank later cap for that)) MRSDJPEARLIMMORTUI: ~holds hubby close as i mess with his memories giggles evily~ Guest_AnndyJubJub: The sun begins to rise. I would much rather be in bed- letting the small streams of sunlight caress my face like it used to- But today.. I found myself covered in cardboard and garbage, letting it hide me and my scents from the Scavengers. There was an attack on my planet months ago- large hideous beasts had taken over- consuming entire oceans ...