1. In the catacombs

    Date: 7/9/2015, Categories: Anal, BDSM, Hardcore, Author: lady-jen, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    the underside of her diaphragm f***ed the air out of her lungs as she took the full length of its icy cold shaft deep into her belly. Prue was just beginning to think this creature intended to fuck her to death when its hands suddenly tightened around her waist as it started climax deep inside her guts. A sudden unimaginably painful cramping sensation exploded through Prue’s guts as what felt like gallons of ice cold zombie cum filled her intestines as the creature climaxed. Finally finished the creature pulled out of her painfully full intestines and to Prue’s horror walked over and ominously retrieved its discarded knife and meat hook. Pausing to once again stare at her with those terrifying lifeless eyes Prue fully expected to die when unexpectedly the creature simply turned and walked off into the darkness. Alone in the silent darkness of the catacombs Prue hung by her wrists too exhausted to press herself back up onto her toes to relieve the agonizing strain on her aching shoulders. All the while, the ...
    painful cramping sensations in her guts grew steadily worse. Finally accepting that there was nothing else she could do Prue willed her tightly clenched anal muscles to relax and surrendered to the inevitable. Within seconds an icy torrent of zombie cum exploded out her ass, running down the insides of her legs and splashing across the stone floor. As the flood of cum slowly subsided Prue glanced down at the sickening pool of gray fluid around her feet and suddenly noticed something utterly revolting. Struggling to keep from ending up choking to death on her own vomit Prue stared in horror at the pool of zombie cum under her toes, things in that pool were moving, that zombie’s cum was teaming with maggots. Already going into shock, the sight of dozens of zombies approaching out of the darkness barely registered in Prue’s mind even as she felt teeth start to painfully rip into her flesh. The last thing Prue saw, one of the zombies pulling loops of intestines out of her belly and eagerly devouring them as she died...