Date: 5/31/2015, Categories: Dark Fantasy, Cheating, Domination/submission, Incest, Males / Female, Young, Author: geilkoekje11, Rating: 93, Source: sexstories.com
Mom pressed her hips into the sofa, warning me this was off limits. I redirected my palms underneath her, between her body and the sofa then inside her shirt, and roamed over the fleshy texture covering her tight abdominal muscles. I rolled her shirt up until her breasts risked exposure, though she was lying on them. Lydia coughed. One cough and I altered course again. I rubbed the sides of her tits, still underneath the shirt. I massaged back and forth along her ribs, back and shoulder blades. My fingertips dug in deeply, working the kinks out of her muscles. Mom rewarded me with cleansing, meaningful sighs. If it wasn't for the unfathomable acts I had already committed, I might have appreciated Mom showing me this relaxed side of her persona. I instinctively knew when I had pushed my limit with her unclothed exposure, pulling back my hands before she could do more than inhale for the next cough. Instead, I fixed her top in place and caressed her back and sides above the shirt. A few minutes later, I propped myself on my right leg and arm. With my left arm, I pulled Mom's left leg back onto the sofa and positioned her two legs together. I imagined Mom was curious but she remained 'distracted' until I slowly lowered my body on top of hers. My cock rested firmly between her butt cheeks and I supported my weight on my elbows. Lydia held off her reaction for a while, eventually resolving to close her eyes for a moment, murmur happily and wiggling and thrusting her ass against ...