1. My Ex Girl Friend

    Date: 10/8/2014, Categories: Fiction, Bondage and restriction, Cannibalism, Enema, Snuff, Author: RandomGuy91884, Rating: 52.8, Source: sexstories.com

    Another 5 min and they were done. I pulled them from the grill and lead her inside. I sat at the table and cut into her breast on my plate. Perfectly cooked. I lifted a piece to my mouth my ex watched. The meat melted in my mouth, my seasoning plan worked. It was amazing. I cut another piece and lifted it her her mouth, she reluctantly opened and ate it. I could tell she liked it, she was also annoyed that it was hers. I finished the breast and placed the other one in a container and put it in the fridge. I lead my ex back to the meat shack. I tied her left ankle so she could be hoisted up by it, I loosely tied the right one to the left. I attached the rope and had her lay down on the ground. I slowly raised her up until her mouth was at the right height to suck my cock. I opened my pants and she opened her mouth. This is the the last time you have to suck my cock. Make it good. She started to move head back and forth. Doing and amazing job sucking my cock. I leaned forward and started to lick her pussy. I could tell she was closer then I was to an orgasm. I slowed down. It wasn't long before I felt my balls ...
    tighten and cum come shooting out of my cock. She swallowed everything she could. Once I was done I picked up the pace and licked her to her final orgasm. As she was caught up in her orgasm I reached for the knife and slit her throat. I stepped back and watch as the blood poured out of her neck. When the blood slowed down I cut off her head. I picked it up and tossed it into the trash can. I grabbed my knife and cut the ropes between her ankle and started to cut her pussy free. I set it aside and started to gut her. It didn't take me long to break her down into easily managed pieces. When she was nothing but meat sitting in coolers chilling I went inside and pulled her right breast out, tossed it on the grill to heat it up. Once it was warm I sat in front of the fire pit watching all the belongings she brought burn. I tossed her head into the fire. I watched everything burn as I finished her breast. My mind started to wonder and I thought about her mom, she had the same body structure just a little bit thicker. I am sure I can improve on my recipe, I will have to see of I can get her to join me at my cabin....