One Trick Penny – Chapter 2
Date: 3/16/2015, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: KrystalClear, Rating: 9, Source: LushStories
only silence as I fumbled with the packets between my thumb and index fingers. “Fifty. Please. Fifty, I’ll go fifty.” I could have easily held out for a hundred, but I decided to have mercy. I pushed my VJ backwards and felt his swollen cock slip effortlessly in my naturally lubricated hole. I mimicked a yawn and looked back to show him a facial expression of how bored I was. It wasn’t easy. Just thinking about the money for my services had me verging upon uncontrollable sexual excitement. He began bucking away like a jack hammer. I hadn’t anticipated how close to the edge of organism I really was. Within the first thirty seconds of his entry, my pussy announced it was on the edge of an epic climax. I turned away and bit my lower lip to try to avoid a graphic expression of my true excitement. You’re not going to let him know how into this you are, I thought. My entire body began to shiver in the top five splurges of my life. Fortunately, Dave was so involved with pumping me with all he had available, he took no notice. He didn’t last much longer either. Five minutes and he shot what felt like a month’s worth of his seed inside me. His cock squirted multiple times; like having a vibrator on my slit. I silently caught my breath, pulled myself off his deflating manhood, stood up and said in a dead-pan tone, “Oh, Baby, that was fantastic. You’re the best.” “You’re leaving? Now?” “My work is done here, sir. Perhaps you should rest up. Your wife may want you to pleasure her.” I ...