Inappropriate Behavior Part 3
Date: 10/3/2014, Categories: Bisexual, Author: bad_mann_ers, Rating: 3, Source: LushStories
I had not been having the greatest of days. First my car wouldn't start. Somehow the headlight switch was turned to always be on. My husband called and had a friend stop by for a jump start. Then that guy's car had sputtered and died blocking the driveway because he was low on gas. We had to wait for yet another friend to bring a gas can. When I finally arrived at work, my boss had asked me to step into his office. The company was struggling, and they had decided to downsize. I was given a small severance check, and then was sent home. It had only been a twenty hour a week job, but it still hurt to get fired. I have a friend that works at a job recruitment office, so I went straight there. The friend was out, and I wasted two hours waiting to talk to another agent. After all that waiting, all I had to do was sign a form stating that I was looking for work, and that my skills were the same as when I had last used them three years before. I was emotionally and mentally exhausted when I finally made it home. I hoped that my friend next door was home. She has a home office, and we had often shared our woes over coffee. I tried in vain to settle my frazzled nerves as I crossed the back yard and slipped through the gate into the yard beyond. I liked the neighbor because although we were near opposites, we could always count on each other when things seemed rough. I walked up onto the deck, and was crossing past the sliding patio door when a motion inside caught my attention. I ...