1. Inappropriate Behavior Part 3

    Date: 10/3/2014, Categories: Bisexual, Author: bad_mann_ers, Rating: 3, Source: LushStories

    I had not been having the greatest of days. First my car wouldn't start. Somehow the headlight switch was turned to always be on. My husband called and had a friend stop by for a jump start. Then that guy's car had sputtered and died blocking the driveway because he was low on gas. We had to wait for yet another friend to bring a gas can. When I finally arrived at work, my boss had asked me to step into his office. The company was struggling, and they had decided to downsize. I was given a small severance check, and then was sent home. It had only been a twenty hour a week job, but it still hurt to get fired. I have a friend that works at a job recruitment office, so I went straight there. The friend was out, and I wasted two hours waiting to talk to another agent. After all that waiting, all I had to do was sign a form stating that I was looking for work, and that my skills were the same as when I had last used them three years before. I was emotionally and mentally exhausted when I finally made it home. I hoped that my friend next door was home. She has a home office, and we had often shared our woes over coffee. I tried in vain to settle my frazzled nerves as I crossed the back yard and slipped through the gate into the yard beyond. I liked the neighbor because although we were near opposites, we could always count on each other when things seemed rough. I walked up onto the deck, and was crossing past the sliding patio door when a motion inside caught my attention. I ...
    stopped dead in my tracks. Never in a million years did I expect to see what I saw. There was a naked man, bent at the waist, leaning on the couch. Not only was he naked, but he was very erect. He was not a small man, yet my petite neighbor appeared to tower over him as she berated him. I could not believe what I saw, and I could not decide whether to hide or to run fast. I stood frozen as my neighbor threw off her clothes, straddled the couch, and forced the man's face into her crotch. I knew that I had to leave, but my feet would not move. My neighbor jumped off the couch, stepped behind the man, and delivered two crushing blows to his ass. I thought that a man that big would turn and fight back, yet he stayed in place. Tears were streaming down his face, yet his cock seemed to swell. My neighbor dove to the floor behind the man and savagely pulled his cock to her mouth. I watched as the woman's face turned serene and ecstatic. I couldn't breathe as I watched it unfold. My hand came to my throat as I gasped for air. The motion of my hand caught the neighbor's attention and our eyes met. Her eyes went wide with terror. I knew I could not stay and hear the scream that was to follow. My feet took flight and I raced back through the gate and home to safety. My mind was racing and I still couldn't breathe. I paced around the house as I struggled to come to terms with what I had just witnessed. I needed to go apologize, but I couldn't go now. I needed to understand what I saw, but ...