1. An All Hallow's Eve in Lush

    Date: 10/3/2014, Categories: Erotic Poems, Author: Tranquil, Rating: 11, Source: LushStories

    Come sit down while I tell you a tale, Of the town of Lush, who fell under a spell. For it is that time of old hallow's eve, When witches and goblins come out to deceive. Chantelle and Bridie were minding their own, Wondering down a path, when they met an old crone. She winked then pointed the way to a mysterious house, But they did not see the warning eyes of a little mouse. Casting a circle of power with a knife in the air, This little witch was about to bring chaos near. With a sprinkle of herbs and a single tear, The world as they knew, was about to disappear. Once inside the beautiful house, a large box they did spy, Opening the padlock on the trunk, they truly did try. But only the Marquis 's tool will open this lock, For that golden key was his very own beautiful cock. Now Bridie of fair, did not dare to ask for the key, But our strong willed Chantelle did take you see. She kissed the Marquis in only her passionate ways, She slid her hand down and grabbed it while it sways. Unlocking the box they did peek inside, When, out popped a ferocious fearsome hide. A full grown were-skunk did appear, John lifted his tail and let out a spear. The Marquis yelled, what have the girls done, Letting out such a beast, safe will be none. On hearing his yells, John took to run, Our little witch sat back, to watch the fun. Christopher was lighting his jack-o-lanterns early this year, When he heard the cry that sounded like fear. Calling behind him for his boys to help he did run, To ...
    save whoever from that mad Marquis s's loaded gun. Arriving it seem a little too late, For the Marquis had them both under his body weight. Humping them so very expertly hard, Christopher knew they would be very carefully scarred. The Marquis yelled at the boys, to go hunt down, That terrifying were-skunk before he got to town. Christopher was cautious and feared this new order, Last time such a thing occurred, it gave him post traumatic disorder. When, out of the depths of the forest did come, The huge werewolf, Wolfgang and his rather large One. Known for his prowling animal ways, The Marquis and Christopher ask for his help this day. Sniffing and snuffing then a growl, Off he scampered on John's trail. Only to have his eye catch a flash of delight, For the adorable Adriena was out on a ride this very night. Wolfgang's human eyes saw her like a red flag to a bull, Transforming to man, he Grabbed and banged her until she was full. With a kiss on her forehead he did leave, Well, I never said he didn't thieve. Cackling laughter could be heard, As the witch watched this tale unfurl. Wondering what could happen next, When Lord Antony got a frantic Text. Beautiful Bridie had called in a brilliant scientist, One known to get things done without violence. With Lord Antony speedily on his way, The witch knew only a fearsome creature would keep him at bay. With a swish and wave of her rickety oak wand, The tentacles that appeared did begin to spawn. Dazed by their beauty, he stopped in ...