1. Taking Thomas

    Date: 10/14/2014, Categories: Taboo, Author: MsMayhem, Rating: 12, Source: LushStories

    his cum slowly stream out of me. I had yet to satisfy my sinful drive for decadence. I proceeded to suck Thomas’s shaft relentlessly. His body gave way to moans and several uncontrollable grunts. My craving for Thomas was unquenchable. His body, mind and cock once again recovered from his prolonged orgasm swiftly. I felt like an animal in heat and I flung myself on him once again. Like a maddened woman, I positioned myself in reverse cowgirl. Giving Thomas full view of my puckered rosebud. I gripped the base of his inexperienced cock, teasing the head along the mouth of my pussy and asshole. Tremors rippled all over my body. With indifference I slammed my body down forcefully onto Thomas. This triggered Thomas to become aroused from head to toe. His hands clutched onto my ass. The power of his grip impressed me. I let out several uncharacteristically loud whimpers. He clawed his fingers deep into my firm backside. With every single bounce onto his cock, my anus pulsed hungrily for attention. “Finger fuck my ass!” I pleaded. Without hesitation he forced two of his fingers into my ass. The sensation of his fingers was agonizing yet blissful. No sooner had he began to bang my ass, when I began to feel a tremendous pressure building deep inside. He was going to make me cum again. My tits bounced violently as I flayed his penis with ...
    my cunt. With both hands I cupped chest and pinched my nipples. My pussy cinched down on his fledgling cock as a torrent of my nectar spurted onto his pubic bone. Not seconds after my last cum, my body was then again riveted by a third orgasm. The entirety of my physique ached as it became taut and my hands immediately gripped my lower abdomen as it was rocked with wave upon wave of delight. My spine arched and my toes pointed outward as it experienced multiple orgasms from my Thomas’s manhood. As this happened my cunt continued to constrict on Thomas’s flesh rocket ferociously. This sent Thomas reeling with several prolonged moans. His seed bathed my fertile womb entirely. We both collapsed on one another, sweaty and fatigued. While we lay there, Thomas suddenly became alarmed with the thought of him impregnating me. The idea wasn’t foolish. I assured him that wouldn’t happen. His concern was adorable. He stared in my direction with an affectionate smile. Lying next to one another caused a lingering question to be asked. It was like an itch at the back of your throat. What next? I was more than fascinated by our forbidden toil; I smiled back at Thomas with a look of pure serenity. The longer I looked at his face, the more I realized the boy was falling in love not lust. His eyes said it all, filled with both worry and happiness.